VALLEY MINDSET TOUR: 3 Interviews live!
DER TRENDBEOBACHTER. ist vor Ort und hat schon drei Interviews umsetzen können:
- Venture Capital-Experte Thomas Claus,
- Unternehmer Oskar von Narrative Science und
- David Peters, der Designer mit Distanz!
Der Reihe nach…
NAME: Thorsten Claus
TITLE: Princial
CITY: San Francisco
If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Bei NEXT WORLD CAPITAL mit jeder Menge neuer Investments. Mit zwei weiteren Fonds vielleicht… und ‘ner Menge Spaß. Immer wieder neue Leute treffen, immer wieder super-interessante Unternehmer finden. Das Venture Capital-Geschäft ist kein Bereich, in dem kurzfristig Erfolg entsteht.
Imagine 2020 – 5 years away: What scares you most?
Dass sich die aktuelle Bevölkerung immer mehr zur “digitalen Bevölkerung” entwickelt. Damit meine ich eine Entfremdung hinsichtlich der Beziehungen. Dass “Digital” als Entschuldigung genutzt wird, nicht mehr kommunizieren zu müssen und dass die Social Skills und die Interaktion vom Tisch fallen. Geht da nicht irgendwas verloren? Dann fehlt doch Empathie! Dann geht der Kontext verloren… denn Sensorik & Co. braucht ja dann doch noch lange…
Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?
Ich habe so viele, ich habe so viel “hope”. Dass Menschen weniger über Climate Change reden und mehr tun. Dass die Menschheit realisiert hat, dass es Zeit wird etwas zu tun. Es muss über „ungerechten Verbrauch“ als Ausrede hinaus gehen… Unabhängig von anderen muss es Taten geben! Es muss Möglichkeiten für Taten geben… Amerika ist ein „land of doers“…
What is it that you do to make sure that your child becomes fit for the future?
Spielen. Ne Menge, Menge spielen – hands on spielen. Rund um Mathe, die Welt.. nicht nur den Stoffplan durcharbeiten. Das kann auch Tablets beinhalten… es geht um selbst gestalten . Die Erkundung der Welt…
What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?
Zukunft sieht ja für jeden anders aus. Es gibt bestimmt Menschen, für die ist Mark Zuckerberg das Symbol. Für mich sind es mein Eltern. Sie sind „post-war Berlin“ aufgewachsen. Ich habe großen Respekt vor diesem Aufbau – auch der Gesellschaft. Damit eine weltökonomische Macht zu werden… großen Respekt! Das waren andere Probleme… das sind meine Eltern..
What stresses you most in your everyday life?
Ablenkung. Ich lasse mich ganz schnell ablenken. Ich kenne meine Prioritäten und gleichzeitig möchte ich eintauchen… nicht ganz einfach.
What products or services will your company offer in 5 years?
NEXT WORK CAPITAL wird ein wesentlich größeres Netzwerk haben… Wir sehen jetzt schon, dass wir 5 oder 10 europäische Advisors dazunehmen und jetzt damit anfangen, US-Advisors zu haben – C-Level Vertreter von US-Unternehmen. Ich glaube, die Organisation wird deutlich größer sein. Natürlich werden wir auch mehr Fonds haben mit den entsprechenden succcess stories.
The ideal manager: What should he or she be like – to be fit for the future?
Von einem CEO: money, vision und people. Wenn er mehr kann – umso besser… im middle management muss ich delegieren und selbst machen – nicht ganz einfach.
What role does the Silicon Valley have – in a global economy?
Ganz gering. Wenn wir wirklich riesige Summen machen wollen… dann sind wir nicht bei Tech im Silicon Valley. Die richtig großen Transaktionen sind Gas, Öl, Consumer Goods. Konstant. Speziell im B2B-Bereich gibt es kaum Unternehmen mit über 10% an IT-Investment. Es wird jede Menge Euphorie verbreitet.
In your eyes: Where do you see Germany in this context?
Die Organisationsstrukturen müssen sich auch in Deutschland ändern dürfen -nicht in zwei Jahren, sondern Wochen. Immer wieder, über Nacht! Auch in großen Organisationen… Darüber hinaus ist das deutsche Ingenieurswesen – mit der hohen Komplexität – sehr wertvoll. Das ist eine Grundausbildung für komplexe Systeme. Deutsche denken in Systemen – mit Tiefgang. Vergleiche deutsche Automobilbranche. Industrie- und IT-Prozesse.
NAME: Oskar Kalmura
TITLE: Co-founder/CMO at Narrative
COMPANY: Narrative AB (Narrative Clip)
CITY: San Francisco
If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
I will be working with Narrative, and our organisation will have improved our position in “photo creation”. Meaning that we will teach the world that it can be easy to create content without being interrupted all the time.
Imagine 2020 – 5 years away: What scares you most?
The inability of people to deal with climate change as an example for real problems!
For myself: I am not scared at all…
Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?
That we see and realise our enormous potential as well as possibilities through technology. The different modules aggregate and build on each other. Technology is tools and our tool box is – in combination with our pace – enabling sooo much.
What is it that you do to make sure that your child becomes fit for the future?
As a father (son at the age of 5) I am thinking about this a lot. Due to automation, for example, you need to make sure you are needed. Many jobs will disappear or change radical, good education is rare…
What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?
Satellites?! Whatever makes the connection between human beings and devices.
What stresses you most in your everyday life?
Lack of time?! I also want to make most of my time, for Narrative, my family, the planet.
What products or services will your company offer in 5 years?
I wish I knew… The last three years within this start up showed how many things can happen. 5 Years? Well, we will continue to help people to create stories… which can ultimately can mean, that people get a voice – who have none today.
The ideal manager: What should he or she be like – to be fit for the future?
Coming from Sweden I praise a democratic leadership style. To empower staff… and this is the same in the bay area. People are job driven and work with their knowledge… we need a very skilled workforce and therefore I feel this is the best way for all parties.
What role does the Silicon Valley have – in a global economy?
Currently a huge role…with all the Venture Capital money…the talent centred right here. In the future? Maybe also China or Singapore? In terms of access to people and money… maybe.
In your eyes: Where do you see Germany in this context?
Currently German stands for the EU. Looking ahead the German influence will drive the EU and the way around. So the “local” environment seems to be key for your guys.
NAME: David Peters
TITLE: Founder
COMPANY: Exbrook Inc.
CITY: San Francisco
If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?
Increasingly I will be working in the “free-knowledge-movement”. Education is so fundamental and getting free education into the world is so important… shaping behaviour, helping people understand and deal with the world. We need to change the world – we need to change it fast. Education is the best answer for doing that. Education combined with technology is something what’s never happened on this magnitude in time. So I aim to find ways which help to explode that.
Imagine 2020 – 5 years away: What scares you most?
I think the self-absorption (= Versenkung in sich selbst). Meaning, we live in a physical world, but technology has made it possible for us to experience a kind of infinity (= Unbegrenztheit) – infinity of place, of language, image, of reality. And if humans encounter infinity there is this awe… this intense attraction. At the same time, this can produce a kind of self-absorption… with the consequence of forgetfulness, a loss of attention for what is around you
Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?
We can find a way for technology to disappear in our life without taking over our life’s… so we are free to reconnect with people in the most secure and joyous way. And that we reinvent our social relations so we are less self-absorbed and more available to others.
What is it that you do to make sure that your child becomes fit for the future?
I think kids are inspired and looking for to be inspired so I think we need to be better curators of childhood. In a way that we expose children to the world. A privilege of California is that we can get children out in the physical world and put them into a space where nature is still the most intense experience they can have – as a counter balance to the infinity they can experience in technology and media.
What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?
Oh, I still think it’s the sun which brings us light and all the technologies that bring light are sooo inspiring. We are the first generation which has been liberated by artificial light. And look at what we are doing with it…
What stresses you most in your everyday life?
There are so many anxieties… being caught up in this overwhelming life which washes away “this self”… your awareness of “self”. I mean this is a real skill… just look at the tsunami of “world”, of information that comes at us – which we need to find ways to protect ourselves from.
What products or services will your company offer in 5 years?
As a consultant and advisor, the scope of services has to evolve… you know we are building these digital pyramids with hundreds of thousands of little data blocks to something we do not know the shape of. Being a design expert I think it is crafting the story, the narratives around what services mean – of where human creativity is found that can take on questions not inherently solved by the engineering of these systems. We have placed ourselves as the centre of the world. We are shocked by the outcome of this distinction of nature – but we alone are not enough.
The ideal manager: What should he or she be like – to be fit for the future?
Managers have a minor role. Let’s be clear in the hierarchy of organisations – there are the owners who are responsible for the declarations. They define; they assert what is the task to be done. The executives who surround them are responsible to implement the strategy. In a way the managers have the simplest jobs…
What role does the Silicon Valley have – in a global economy?
This is not easy for me being in the middle of this… but I do not have a doubt that this model, the solutions being exercised here are world changing and profound in their impact. No, no this is not a bubble. You know San Francisco was built on a bubble – the gold rush… in the first ‘.com’-bubble, the ideas, the transformation and the thinking in the society around them were not wrong, just the financial structure and how money was applied burst – and that became the bubble. And we will experience a number of bubbles ahead…
Mathias Haas, DER TRENDBEOBACHTER, hier in Mitten der Trendbeobachtung. Der Keynote Speaker und Workshop-Moderator (z.B. mittels LEGO SERIOUS PLAY) bei der VALLEY MINDSET TOUR.
Diese Tour ist quasi der Beweis, dass Trendbeobachtung sich massiv von Trendforschung Zukunftsforschung abgrenzt. Es geht um die eigene Kalibrierung – um die Untersuchung vor Ort – und nicht um Hochrechnungen und Szenarien, die in vielen Fällen schlussendlich nicht haltbar sind. Nein, DER TRENDBEOBACHTER. realisiert keine Esoterik. Mathias Haas fragt lieber Menschen, die Zukunft betreiben.
Jeder Mensch eine Geschichte, jede Megatrend-Geschichte eine andere Nachricht!
See further details about his “future theses” and his infotainment-style:…
Also check out one of his methods if he and his co-facilitators run workshops: LEGO SERIOUS PLAY…