Der O-Ton macht die Musik!

O-Ton bleibt O-Ton. Und Mathias Haas ist auf einer Lernreise. Es gilt also -zuhören- und mitschreiben, denn die Interviewpartner haben etwas zu sagen!

VR aus Afrika? Aus Kenia? Dort gibt es doch nur Safari-Touren, oder?

Hier gibt es auch VR (!) und zwar mit hohem Anspruch… hier die Antworten aus der Wirklichkeit:

NAME: Ng’endo Mukii
TITLE: Film Director/Animator
COMPANY: Ng’endo Studios
CITY: Nairobi, Kenya

  1. If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

This year I have grown from a freelancer, to formally establishing a company. I want to increase my capacity for production, and allow myself more flexibility.  My major concern with doing this so far has been related to how specific, organic, and intensive my animations tend to be. I have been concerned with finding the right team for this.


  1. Imagine 2022 – 5 years away: What scares you most?

Maintaining my projects, growing them internationally, starting a family, how and where to do this, balancing work and personal life. The same things that scare everyone else I think.


  1. Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?

This would be related to my city, Nairobi. It would be great to have a stronger infrastructure. Good roads, space for pedestrians. I love cycling, maybe roads could be built in consideration of cyclists as well. I think we have been brainwashed to accept that some things are impossible in Africa, but, Durban in South Africa for example, has some beautiful consideration of its citizens as humans in the city. It’s not impossible. But of course, if you’re having the top 5% of our country debating congestion in the city, the idea of preventing buses carrying up to 40 people into the Central Business District, but allowing tens of thousands of private vehicles carrying individuals, makes sense.

How does that ease congestion?

This traffic affects our daily lives and potential. You’re less likely to go for a meeting, if it takes you two hours to get there. Just imagine how much more collaboration would be possible if we weren’t always stuck in traffic.


  1. What is it that you do to make sure that your children will be fit for the future?

Every time cuts to education programs are debated, Music, Arts, Literature, and Sports are the first to be sacrificed. However all these subjects drive the way you think, how you perceive and interpret and communicate about the world. It’s a different form of mental exercise that makes us more emotionally and socially wholistic. And imagine if all this could take place in our own languages, not just English. It’s a different pattern and way of thinking altogether.


  1. What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?

For myself, I would like VR to be the symbol. Augmented and Virtual reality are very exciting for me, and having recently completed my first VR film, Nairobi Berries, I want to continue exploring the possibilities of these mediums.


  1. What’s stressing you most during your daily life?

I’m going to label this as “Gender things.” It affects everything!

Ja, Whitenizer ist für hellere Haut.

  1. What products or services will your company offer in 5 years?

I really enjoy working in the short film medium, but definitely want to create feature length animations, and exploring mixed media in feature films.


  1. What should the ideal manager, what should he or she be like to be fit for the future?

Personally, my task is to select or grow a team, and creating an environment in which they can participate and feel invested, so that they are dedicated to fulfilling my vision as the director. Delegation itself is not the issue, it’s forming a more organic and receptive space in which to create my productions.


  1. What role does Kenya play within a global economy?

The value of developing countries is underestimated, we are almost always perceived as being “receivers”  especially economically, and yet, whether by force or corruption, we have developed and sustained Europe and the greater ‘West,’ for centuries.

When I came home after 5 years living in the US in 2006, I was shocked to discover that you could share airtime on your phone, as well as send and receive money directly between phones, completely independent of traditional banking institutions. This concept did not even exist in the US and in Europe at the time. I think we are making solutions to problems that are urgent here in Kenya, and incidentally changing the status quo that developed countries are comfortable enough to leave unaddressed, if that makes sense.


  1. In your eyes: Where do you see Germany in this context?

Via institutions such as Goethe Institute and Hubert Bals, etc, Germany is extremely supportive of emerging filmmakers around the world. For example I was just at the Durban International Film Festival, and the Durban Talents that holds workshops for young filmmakers is a branch of the Berlinale Talents program. They have Talents programs in several parts of the world. A couple of the program coordinators have mentioned becoming involved in running their respective programs because they felt that it was right for “Germany to give back” considering its participation in the colonial period, and its political role in Europe.

NAME: Prof. P.L.O. Lumumba
TITLE: Director/Chief Executive
COMPANY: Kenya School of Law
CITY: Nairobi, Kenya


  1. If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

March next year I will leave the school and reinforce my own office, I will be more active.


  1. Imagine 2022 – 5 years away: What scares you most?

Nothing scares me. After the election, we will have a good country. A few stones will be thrown and that is ok, as long as nobody dies.


Ja, aktuell ist wirklicher Wahlkampf. Die Stadt ist voller dieser “Promotion-Trucks”.

  1. Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?

I think we should de-ethnize politics and work on a better situation if it comes to corruption! I am looking forward to see a few guys in jail.


  1. What is it that you do to make sure that your children will be fit for the future?

We need to update education! We should create a system which allows to engage in innovation better. You know, we have a “crises in identity” Around here, we are 200 to 300 million people, we are sooo strong and surrounded by great people – yes, we should strengthen self-esteem!


  1. What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?

It is something with “technology”. This, however, must be customized to our needs and not the other way around.


  1. What’s stressing you most during your daily life?

The quality of leadership is stressing me. I stopped watching TV 5 years ago.


  1. What products or services will your company offer in 5 years?

My message will still be the same. I have and will be consistent.


  1. What should the ideal manager, what should he or she be like to be fit for the future?

An ideal leader has a vision, is not selfish, he consults and realizes that he or she does not have a monopoly on ideas. It is about recognizing talent and spreading the seed.


  1. What role does Kenya play within a global economy?

I think Kenya and Tanzania do not have major conflicts. We are the anchor of the region and we lead the area. If we deal with ethnics and corruption, we are on a great path!


  1. In your eyes: Where do you see Germany in this context?

Germany is the European leader. It was the first country accepting Kenya after the independence. In culture, agriculture and technology you guys are great! Germany is efficient and hopefully more present and more aggressive. You need to neutralize the influence of China.

NAME: Waweru Kuria
CITY: Nairobi, Kenya


  1. If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

At the moment, we offer “emergency loans”. Our typical customer applies for 30 USD for 30 days and pays about 3 USD interest fees. Our typical customers are from rural areas, very often they are farmers. In 5 years, we will have new products with lots of impact. We will have “social products”, also in Uganda and Tanzania.


  1. Imagine 2022 – 5 years away: What scares you most?

Well, competition with the big guys would stress us seriously. They can pump so much money into a market which would not kill us, but slow us down.


  1. Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?

My greatest hope is partnering with an organization, with a social investor such as a CSR company with “patient money” and low interest.


  1. What is it that you do to make sure that your children will be fit for the future?

I would change the educational system – yes, the whole industry. The world is changing and i.e. automation will take jobs. Nobody should be taught to become a classical accountant!


  1. What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?

The eagle, the bird. Why? Because it uses very little energy to fly, it sees very far and can carry very heavy “freight”.


  1. What’s stressing you most during your daily life?

Sometimes I wonder if we are growing fast enough. For example, it is very expensive to do what we do. We have enormous travel costs.


  1. What should the ideal manager, what should he or she be like to be fit for the future?

The “future manager” should be a real manager, somebody who is able to replicate his/her thinking. Somebody who inspires by using the own mind.


  1. What role does Kenya play within a global economy?

Where we are right now? We copy other systems and methods. We should completely change, we should not act like the global economy. An example: We found oil in Kenya, and we export crude oil and buy back the petrol. How crazy is that? Same with food. We should define our destiny – which is definitely “self-depended”.


  1. In your eyes: Where do you see Germany in this context?

I have not had a lot of interaction with Germany but I believe we can learn a lot from you. You expose your kids and they can learn… just look at soccer.

NAME: Vandan Rughani
TITLE: Managing Director, Robert Bosch East Africa
COMPANY: Robert Bosch East Africa
CITY: Nairobi, Kenya


  1. If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

In Afrika.


  1. Imagine 2022 – 5 years away: What scares you most?

Privat beschäftigt mich sehr die Urbanisierung von Nairobi. Ich kenne die Stadt noch aus meiner Jugend. Und heute? Es scheint kaum eine Städteplanung geben: Jeder baut wie er will.


  1. Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?

Natürlich hoffe ich auf die ganzen großen Themen wie “Friede” und “Wohlstand”, doch für die Region hoffe ich auf Einheit – nicht nur auf dem Papier, auch in der Praxis. Eine wirklich grenzübergreifende „Union“ würde Menschen einfach reisen und Handel aufblühen lassen!

Bosch ist präsent!

  1. What is it that you do to make sure that your children will be fit for the future?

Kinder sollten möglichst viele unterschiedliche Erfahrungen machen. Kids sollten wirklich entdecken dürfen und dabei Richtwerte bekommen. Die Welt ist nicht „heile-heile-Segen“, und genau das erleben beispielsweise meine Kinder hier in Kenia. So wie ich früher. Das halten auch Kinder aus, wenn man Ihnen Hilfestellung gibt.


  1. What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?

Was ist ein gutes Zeichen oder Objekt für „sozial sein“? Afrika ist jeden falls „ich-bezogen“.


  1. What’s stressing you most during your daily life?

Meine persönliche Ungeduld in manchen Situationen. Ja, ich werde immer wieder getestet.


  1. What products or services will your company offer in 5 years?

Wir werden mehr lokale Präsenz zeigen, „local for local“ quasi.


  1. What should the ideal manager, what should he or she be like to be fit for the future?

In Ostafrika? Gute Manager sollten die ersten 6-12 Monate an der Basis sein. Und mein Team hier wird eine gesunde Mischung aus internationalen und nationalen Führungskräften werden. Speziell von lokalen Team Leadern erwarte ich Eigenverantwortung, Verantwortung für das eigene Handeln!


  1. What role does this – Country – play within a global economy?

Im Moment, keine.


  1. In your eyes: Where do you see Germany in this context?

Deutschland wird hier sehr positiv und innovativ gesehen. Leider sind deutsche Produkte auch sehr teuer. Doch das Vertrauen ist da, „Made in Germany“ ist eine sehr starke Aussage!

“Die Kunst” lässt nicht auf sich warten – mit Zeitgeist quasi.

Ja, die AFRICAN MINDSET TOUR hat es -in- sich! Manchmal sind die Antworten, wie erwartet. Manchmal auch sehr mutig, denn nicht jede Station der Tour ist so entspannt wie Zürich, Kassel oder Wien.

Vielen Dank vom TRENDBEOBACHTER., denn Mathias Haas ist auf Antworten angewiesen. Beim reinen “aus dem Fenster schauen” ist “die Wahrheit” nicht zu finden. Und auch mit den Antworten liegt sie wohl zwischen den Zeilen.

Ja, DER TRENDBEOBACHTER. beobachtet vor Ort. Der Redner und Moderator Mathias Haas bringt sie nach Hause – in Vorträgen, in Moderationen, in Workshops aller Art. Ob ganz klassisch als Keynote einer Tagung oder innerhalb einer komplexen Strategieentwicklung – zum Beispiel im Rahmen der PLAY SERIOUS AKADEMIE. Egal wie, der Zukunftsexperte fordert “die Zukunft” heraus – im Hier & Jetzt!

Mehr zu Mathias Haas und seinem Team liegt hier bereit: