Wenn eine aidskranke Hotelangestellte Gründerin werden möchte…

Darf DER TRENDBEOBACHTER. mit so einer Überschrift für “Auflage” sorgen? Nun, Mathias Haas sucht Vorbilder, auf der AFRICAN MINDSET TOUR. Und diese Lernreise hat ermutigende Momente genauso wie Grenzerfahrung. Wie verhält man sich denn, wenn während der Interview heraus kommt, dass die Person gegenüber seit ein paar Monaten weiß, dass Sie HIV-positiv ist? Und dennoch Gründerin werden und gleichzeitig liebend gerne Mutter werden möchte? Ist da Normalität angesagt? Oder Respekt und/oder Mitleid?

Hier ist das Interview zum wohl extremste Gespräch der Tour:

NAME: Der Name ist egal
TITLE: Hotelangestellte
COMPANY: Auch nicht wesentlich
CITY: Gaborone, Botswana


  1. If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

I won’t be working here, I will probably have two or three types of businesses owning.


  1. Imagine 2022 – 5 years away: What scares you most?

I don’t have kids but I would love to be a mother. I am HIV-positive. But I would like to have children and the doctor says that is doable. So, in 5 years they might be 3 or 4 years and I might be gone… it is difficult to say how long I will live.


  1. Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?

I have not thought of that…


  1. What is it that you do to make sure that your children will be fit for the future?

I think it depends on how you raise and teach them values. They should not be too spoiled. Life can be pretty hard. They should be up for disappointment every now and then.


  1. What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?



  1. What’s stressing you most during your daily life?

What should I say? The fact that I found out that I am sick. This is still something I need to understand and deal with.


  1. What should the ideal manager, what should he or she be like to be fit for the future?

Build a good relationship with the staff. Don’t be harsh. People learn from their mistakes. Teach them. If you are good with your staff you will be good with your clients.


  1. What role does Botswana play within a global economy?

It is a peaceful country from what I know, it is just tough to find jobs.


  1. In your eyes: Where do you see Germany in this context?

I have not been there, I do not have any information about Germany.


Weiter geht es hier mit einer völlig anderen Sichtweise: Politik auf höchstem Level! In einem Ministerum, dass es Zuhause wohl nie geben wird:

NAME: Jean Philbert Nsengimana
TITLE: Minister of Youth & ICT
COMPANY: Government Republic of Rwanda
CITY: Kigali, Rwanda


  1. If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

I see myself in a position that touches “public”, “”private” and “international”. Which could, for example, lead towards a role as an entrepreneur. For sure it will be something which touches the continent!


  1. Imagine 2022 – 5 years away: What scares you most?

If we miss the moment to transfer education… this matters so much! We need to speed up, we need to drive technology and finally accelerate!


  1. Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?

I can say: My big plans are not rocket science. Whatever will change in 5 years will be built on plans from today. My plan is to have everybody connected to everybody! My hope is to create hundreds of thousands of digital jobs.


  1. What is it that you do to make sure that your children will be fit for the future?

It is all about good education – and not the classical style you still find today. We talk about better schools for kids and great opportunities for grown-up’s.


  1. What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?

I would say it is something out of “nature”, a plant for example. It grows, it multiplies, it needs care…


  1. What’s stressing you most during your daily life?

Realizing that solutions are not taken from everybody. Sometimes it stresses me that there is a lack of sense of urgency.


  1. What should the ideal manager, what should he or she be like to be fit for the future?

I would think about adapting to change, about thinking exponential, about embracing diversity.


  1. What role does Rwanda play within a global economy?

Our country has so many assets! Such as our geographical location. We will drive innovation!


  1. In your eyes: Where do you see Germany in this context?

Germany is a partner, one of the first partners we had. The GIZ, for example, is a big partner for the digital transformation.


Wirkliche Start-ups braucht und hat das Land. Joanna, ursprünglich Kanaderin, hat es auf die Frauen abgesehen. Sie agiert in Ruanda und ist nicht weit von Kenia entfernt. Auch dort möchte Sie schon bald eCommerce betreiben. Fokus: Frauen!


NAME: Joanna Bichsel
TITLE: CEO and Co-Founder
CITY: Kigali, Rwanda


  1. If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

Kasha (buy women’s health products at Kasha’s Mobile Store) will be operating in three more countries and we will start our licensing model. To do this, we need to build teams! We will prove that social businesses can grow and scale!


  1. Imagine 2022 – 5 years away: What scares you most?

I have never thought about that. In 5 years, this country will be cashless and this does not scare me. At the moment, we get support from the government – and I really hope this will continue.


  1. Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?

Rwanda will become the tech-hub. Rwandians are known for the excellence in technology. Business growth and private investments are going hand in hand. We are the best example.


  1. What is it that you do to make sure that your children will be fit for the future?

I guess – being from Canada – travel is my best advice! People are all the same and depending on their culture we have different viewpoints. But yes, my recommendation would be to see how people live around the world!


  1. What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?

The mobile phone. It is the starting point and “the chip” is the future.


  1. What’s stressing you most during your daily life?

All the drive of growing the business.


  1. What products or services will your company offer in 5 years?

There are many directions we can go. Health services, telemedicine, access to loans. Independently of the final products and services we will build a strong brand!


  1. What should the ideal manager, what should he or she be like to be fit for the future?

A manager is measured by finding and retaining the best team members. If they grow, we grow.


  1. What role does Rwanda play within a global economy?

Rwanda could be the proof point if it comes to infrastructure, for example. The way investment is being generated is very smart.


  1. In your eyes: Where do you see Germany in this context?

My husband is German so… in fact GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) is playing a major role here in Kigali. They are also a partner of Kasha, they invested in our company. We are talking to Deutsche Bank… Yes, Germany plays quite a role in my life.


Und abschließend, ein Gespräch aus dem 6. Stockwerk des Telecom Houses. Ein Ort mit Weitblick, ein Treffpunkt für tausende Menschen mit Ideen. K-Lab’s braucht der Kontinent! Auch ja, und wieder ein Vorbild für die alte Welt. Hier wurden in 2016 über 13.000 Kindern die Zukunft gezeigt. Obwohl es gar nicht für Kinder etabliert wurde.

NAME: Aphrodice Mutangana
TITLE: Director
CITY: Kigali, Rwanda


  1. If you think of your job: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

As a person, I will always be a “game changer”. It will always be the same thing and I want to reach as many people as possible.


  1. Imagine 2022 – 5 years away: What scares you most?

The fact that technology is changing social life. The idea that technology takes over is scaring me.


  1. Again, 5 years into the future: What’s your greatest hope?

Our people are my greatest hope. Just look at the young people! They love each other, they are bright and full of energy.


  1. What is it that you do to make sure that your children will be fit for the future?

I try to equip them with different skills such as technology, AI, Algorithms and e.g. film making.


  1. What would you say: What object, what device is the best symbol for “future”?

I don’t think there is such an object.


  1. What’s stressing you most during your daily life?

People who don’t care – who are not committed.


  1. What products or services will your company offer in 5 years?

First of all, I see the change already! The change is tangible. In 5 years we will have doubled.


  1. What should the ideal manager, what should he or she be like to be fit for the future?

A good leader cares about their staff members. They should be able to move and develop from A to B. An ideal manager should be resourceful and protect his team.


  1. What role does Rwanda play within a global economy?

I don’t know… we are creating, we try to make it a better world. Yes, we do.


  1. In your eyes: Where do you see Germany in this context?

Germany is a developed country, full of perfectionists. We can learn many things from there.


Wenn man den Minister trifft wird man hinterher auch mit dem “Taxi” zum Hotelausgang gefahren.

Ja, dieser AFRICAN MINDSET TOUR ist Gespräche+Gespräche+Gespräche gepaart mit Beobachtungen und jede Menge lesen. Nur so kann Mathias Haas “der Wahrheit” näher kommen. So ist der Redner und Moderator seiner eigenen DNA treu. DER TRENDBEOBACHTER. ist bekanntlich Pragmatiker. Der Wandlungshelfer möchte sich ein eigenes Bild machen von der Zukunft und dem Umgang mit Wandel auf diesem Kontinent. Der Zukunftsexperte macht Organisationen zukunftsfit, im Hier & Jetzt. Entscheider müssen heute entscheiden und auch Afrika sollten sie in Betracht ziehen.

Mehr zur Tour auf diesem Blog, mehr zu den Vorträgen und Keynote Speeches, Trend-Moderationen und Zukunfts-Workshops unter www.play-serious.org und natürlich www.trendbeobachter.de